Over the past decade the popularity of Japanese animation and its print counterpart manga has skyrocketed worldwide and developed a massive following of both fans of the media itself and prospective mangaka, video editors and voice actors wanting to break into the business as well. If that describes you, Anime-Manga is the track you’re looking for!
The Anime-Manga Track at Dragon Con is back again as we bring you the goodness you crave: anime viewing rooms, industry experts, and star voice actors; everything from back-of-vault classics to the latest releases from the top companies. There will be a wide array of panels, speakers, and workshops covering everything from classic anime and the history of manga, to the future of the industry and how to break into the business. Voice Actors, industry insiders, cosplayers, and hard-core fans will all be on hand to provide programming.
For more information, check us out on Facebook.