Writers’ Track

Writing is a craft and an art form. Come learn from the masters!

The Writers’ Track is where it all begins. Someone must write the story, the book, or the  screenplay before you get transported to that new planet or to that Steampunk world or maybe that werewolf pack. That someone could be you.

We build the fascinating worlds, generate those great characters and plot those exciting stories.  Writers make it all happen.

Did you ever consider joining the ranks of published authors? Maybe a short story has been lurking in the back of your brain. Or maybe you have an idea for a novel that you know others will enjoy. Join us and learn the things you need to know to transform yourself from unpublished to published.

Panels in Writers’ Track touch on a variety of topics from  craft (characterization, plotting, etc) to marketing, social media, the business of writing and on to finding a publisher or agent–or maybe self-publishing. Our panels are populated by the best professionals in the field.

No news at the moment.

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